Excessive hunger leading to an angry mood = HANGER.
This pre-op diet is hard. I literally drool whenever anyone else in this house eats food. And this is even with a reprieve from my dietitian - in addition to my protein shakes I can have one serving of no-sugar-added Greek yogurt and one serving of cottage cheese.
But the sights and smells of real food have me salivating. And not even for the junk food that used to be my diet. A banana? Oh my god, heaven! A bowl of beef and barley soup? Exquisite! A glass of milk? Divine!
I know that the purpose of the pre-op diet is to shrink my liver so that the surgeon has easier access on banding day. I wonder, though, how much of the pre-op diet is to prepare us for life after the band. If we can make it two weeks on protein shakes and a cup of yogurt, then when we get real food, we'll be able to sustain good choices and small portions? Makes sense to me.
In the meantime, everyone around me knows that I'm grumpy and hangry. I am trying to be positive and cheerful, but the hanger is on the winning side.
Were you ever hangry on a diet?
I totally get you. But stick to it and you will be glad you did!!