Sunday, January 5, 2014

How personal is too personal?

I'm contemplating sharing my blog with my "real" friends and family, instead of just on the Internet.

I'm partway through my pre-op diet.  I will have my Lap-Band inserted on January 14, and I am in need of a shrunken liver.  The required drinks/shakes are NASTY.  N.  A.  S.  T.  Y.  So for the next remaining 8 days, there isn't going to be a whole lot of socializing for this girl.  It's hard enough watching the manfriend and kidlets eat, let alone being in social settings (pubs and coffee shops) with friends eating and drinking.

So this self-mandated hibernation leads me to the real focus of today's blog post.  Do I have enough guts to let everyone in on this?  A few friends know, my family, my boyfriend, some of my boyfriend's family, and that's it.  None of my friends or family read (or know about) my blog.  In the upcoming months, I'm going to shed some serious poundage, and people will notice.

My conundrum is this: how personal is too personal?  Do I want my friends and acquaintances knowing that I have a saline-filled silicone band inserted around my stomach?  How do I decide who to tell?

Now, I want as much support as possible.  I firmly believe that my success will have a lot to do with the support I let in.  In order to have support, I have to let people know.  Which leads me back to my title question.

So, dear readers, how far did you share the news?

1 comment:

  1. I wish I would not have told everyone. Maybe a few select family and friends, but now that so many people know about it, it can't always be the outlet that I need it to be. Although I don't regret being upfront to everyone about my band. I'm terrible with secrets. :)
